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Behaviour & Attitudes

Classroom Conduct

In order to provide an enriched climate for learning that enables all of our students to succeed, St Regis expects students to follow the classroom conduct within The St Regis Way. Staff will always provide students with the opportunity to make the right choice. 


Encouraging regular school attendance and a positive level of punctuality is significant to the success of our students here at St Regis. Excellent punctuality and time-keeping skills are fundament attributes we aim to instill in all of our students. 

As an academy we have made big strides to improve the standard of our uniform, and students look very smart in the new St Regis ties & blazers! We will continue to be strict on uniform to ensure all students look presentable and represent St Regis positively.

Extended Learning is an opportunity for our students to deepen their subject knowledge beyond the classroom. Each week, subjects will publish extended learning on ClassCharts for students to complete. We encourage students to be proactive and show independence by utilising the recommended onsite platforms available to further develop their knowledge.


Rewards play an essential part in school life and are often extremely powerful in improving behvaiour and attitudes. Students can be rewarded for showing outstanding practice of The St Regis way and the academy's values.

Weekly achievement updates are shared with the academy to celebrate the success of students. Half termly rewards assemblies celebrate pupils for achieving a high number of positive points which are broken down into categories: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, 100% attendance, excellent & most improved bahviour ratios, and non-academic achievement awards.

Restorative Practice

We recognise that for most pupils the relationships they build in school, with both their peers and teachers, has a significant impact on their approach to learning. As a result, Restorative Practice is an integral part of our behaviour policy.  

Restorative Practice is not a direct replacement for sanctions but is an important aspect in repairing harm and restoring positive relationships. If a pupil receives a detention for not meeting the shared expectations, then the teacher or Form Tutor will attend the detention for a Restorative Practice conversation.  Some pupils need to be taught how to behave well and the RP conversation is part of this process. It allows the teacher to model restorative approaches and proactively teaches pro-social skills. The pupil can then use these skills to help build a unified, harmonious community within the school and beyond.  Restorative Practice is also used when pupils fall out and have a disagreement in order help them understand each other’s point of view without assigning blame.